What is Youth Catechism/Confirmation class? It is an in-depth study of our Lutheran Christian faith, as found in Holy Scripture alone and taught from our Lutheran Church body's Small Catechism. It is for 7-th & 8-th graders - a two-year cariculum. The Catechism is an excellent summary of the Bible written by pastor, teacher and Church reformer, Rev. Martin Luther. So theologically-solid is the Catechism that it is fittingly called the "The People’s Bible."
Our two-year study will focus especially on Bible passages found in the Small Catechism which serve the purpose of nurturing and strengthening catechumens in the one true Christian faith. The curriculum we use is entitled: “The Lutheran Christian Faith as Taught in Rev. Martin Luther’s Small Catechism.”
Why do we have a Catechism/Confirmation class? Youth Catechism instruction, as with adult Catechism instruction, serves the purpose of preparing young men and women in their formative years to become communicant members of Holy Trinity or St. James Lutheran Churches and supporters of the same, and life-long communicant members of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod; that is, faithful partakers of the Lord's Supper all the days of their lives.
Catechism class is a rite of passage by which youth in our Churches take their stand upon Jesus Christ (see Galatians 5:1), our only true Foundation and Salvation, as they are instructed and grow in the Christian faith. They begin their journey as catechumens – those who are taught the Six Chief Parts of our Lutheran Christian faith. They finish their instruction as Confirmands who are ready to receive the Lord’s Supper, and who are committed to life-long membership and attendance in the one holy Christian and apostolic Church of God.
When does Confirmation class start for the fall of 2024? 9/4/24
When is Confirmation Sunday in 2025? April 13, 2025